Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 12: How Micro-credentials Catalyze Broader Curriculum Reform
Greetings friends ✨
In service to making the digital badge and micro-credential space more accessible to the broader community, the Micro-credential Multiverse team has launched a series of conversations with industry leaders in the space we’re calling “Micro-credentials in a Minute”.
Each episode of the podcast will be about a minute long and address critical questions on micro-credentials, digital badges, learning pathways, digital wallets, and more!
Introducing Micro-credentials in a Minute
Episode 12: How Micro-credentials Catalyze Broader Curriculum Reform
In this episode of "Micro-credentials in a Minute," we asked the Founder and CEO of the Bean Center, Emeritus Professor Martin Bean CBE, how micro-credentials can catalyze a broader curriculum reform.
Learn more about our guests
Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 12: How Micro-credentials Catalyze Broader Curriculum Reform
Robert Bajor: Hi, my name is Rob.
Martin Bean: And my name is Martin and we are micro-credentials and digital badge experts.
Robert Bajor: Today I'm going to ask Martin about how micro-credentials catalyze broader curriculum reform.
Robert Bajor: So, what do you think?
Martin Bean: Thanks, Rob. Yeah, I think it's a great question. I think though Rob, it's important to think about the steps before the micro-credential. The really smart institutions ah, actually starting with rich skill descriptors, and then they're moving to skill libraries or taxonomies. So like they map all the skills that they're teaching in their institutions then come the badges. Because what badges allow you to do is to map them to those skills taxonomies and allows you to create literally an unlimited number of interventions to develop learners.
Martin Bean: But it also, Rob allows you to create an infinite number of possibility for those that want to consume the badges. They could be industry. They could be the university themselves, the individual undergraduate learner, the lifelong learner. But if you do the heavy lifting of getting your skills defined and your libraries built, just imagine the potential of micro-credentials that can come after that, Rob.
Robert Bajor: Yeah. I also think that, that process of mapping skills is going to reveal a university's individual, subject matter expertise. So it's different schools are going to have different outcomes from that process and their micro-credential catalog will likely reflect that diversity.
Micro-credentials in a Minute
Check out other episodes of Micro-credentials in a Minute
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