Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 11: Create on-roads and off-ramps to Higher Education with Micro-credentials
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In service to making the digital badge and micro-credential space more accessible to the broader community, the Micro-credential Multiverse team has launched a series of conversations with industry leaders in the space we’re calling “Micro-credentials in a Minute”.
Each episode of the podcast will be about a minute long and address critical questions on micro-credentials, digital badges, learning pathways, digital wallets, and more!
Introducing Micro-credentials in a Minute
Episode 11: Create on-roads and off-ramps to Higher Education with Micro-credentials
In this episode of "Micro-credentials in a Minute," we asked the Founder and CEO of the Bean Center, Emeritus Professor Martin Bean CBE, how micro-credentials can create additional on-roads and off-ramps to high education for learners.
Learn more about our guests
Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 11: Create on-roads and off-ramps to Higher Education with Micro-credentials
Robert Bajor: Hi, my name is Rob.
Martin Bean: And my name is Martin and we are micro-credential and digital badge experts.
Robert Bajor: Today, we're going to talk about how can micro-credentials be used to create additional on-ramps and off-ramps for people who may not typically participate in tertiary or higher education opportunities. And, this is a part of a theme that we addressed in another episode of the podcast. So don't forget to listen to all of them, but without further ado, I'm going to acquiesce to Martin. So what do you think of this question?
Martin Bean: Thanks, Rob, you know, I've spent my whole career. Uh, working at the intersection of education and technology, Rob. And every time we've looked at it as to what is the great promise of technology and education. It's always been about access, Rob. And I think what flexible, well-constructed micro-credentials allow us to do.
Martin Bean: Is to actually, you know, in a very low risk, non-threatening way, ignite people's passion, their hopes, their aspirations, and their belief that they can succeed. And once they've taken that first step, once they've, they've sort of got over what might be quite horrible memories of being in school and what education meant to them, you actually restore that aspiration and the smart universities there are finding ways to then allow that success to pay forward into more traditional programs. And of course the opposite is the case too Rob. You want people to have step-off points at whatever point in the learning journey makes sense for them to get the outcome that they're looking for. And of course, micro-credentials gives you almost an infinite number of step-off points in what can be quite, quite overly structured programs.
Robert Bajor: Yeah, I think, you know, two things that emerge out of that is this idea of personalization. So making, you know, the individual's learning journey, a more personalized and frictionless process, um, is one of the ways that micro-credentials can certainly be used to create those on-ramps and off-ramps.
Micro-credentials in a Minute
Check out other episodes of Micro-credentials in a Minute
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