Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 2: Our Micro-credential Origin Stories

Greetings friends ✨

In service to making the digital badge and micro-credential space more accessible to the broader community, the Micro-credential Multiverse team has launched a series of conversations with industry leaders in the space we’re calling “Micro-credentials in a Minute”.

Each episode of the podcast will be about a minute long and address critical questions on micro-credentials, digital badges, learning pathways, digital wallets, and more!

Introducing Micro-credentials in a Minute

Episode 2: Our Micro-credential Origin Stories


Learn more about our guests


Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 2: Our Micro-credential Origin Stories

Micro-credential Multiverse: This is micro credential in a minute produced by micro credential multiverse.

Robert Bajor: Hi, my name is Rob.

Sheryl Grant: And my name is Sheryl and we are micro-credential and digital badge experts.

Robert Bajor: Today, we're going to talk about what attracted Sheryl and I to the micro-credentialing space.

Sheryl Grant: For me, it all started accidentally on purpose. I was among the organizations that launched the badges for lifelong learning movement in 2010.

So, this is just a natural extension of the early field building. I came and I stayed and I never left. But on a personal level, I have an eclectic education background, and I believe if you can do the job, you should be able to get the job. It shouldn't matter where in your learning journey you are, whether you have the full degree or some college.

Robert Bajor: I totally agree.

 My background is in education. Specifically, I started out as a classroom instructor, a high school science teacher. I recognized pretty quickly that everyone learns differently. Why wouldn't their recognition celebrate this individuality?

Skills and competencies should be recognized no matter how long it takes you to learn something or how you learned it. It should be easy to tell other people about your skills and all of your emerging competencies.

Micro-credentials in a Minute

Check out other episodes of Micro-credentials in a Minute

Micro-credentials in a Minute is also available on a variety of podcast platforms including,

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📸 Cover Photo by Varvara Grabova on Unsplash

Robert Bajor

Founder of Micro-credential Multiverse


Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 3: Grain Size


Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 1: Micro-credentials vs Digital Badges